Krewstown Road Bridge (1800) |
...Welcome to the second half of Kali's and my walk along the creek downstream of "my" preserve last weekend (August 25). We had begun our walk by exploring the dirt footpath paralleling the east bank of the creek. When we reached Krewstown Road, we crossed to the west bank and returned upstream on the paved recreation path. The historic Krewstown Road bridge was built in 1800.
Just a few hundred feet upstream of the Krewstown Road bridge, a freight railroad line crosses high above the creek on what is known locally as Ninety-foot Bridge, a concrete structure of indeterminate age that looks to me like it could use some repairs.
Ninety-foot Bridge |
While the wide, paved recreation path is often very heavily used, last Saturday there was only moderate bicycle and pedestrian traffic, so the walking was pleasant.
Bicyclists crossing tiny Slater's Run on the recreation path bridge |
Invasive exotic Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) has become established in many places along the creek. It has just begun to flower.
Japanese knotweed |
One of the well-known landmarks midway along the creek are these two huge midstream rocks. The official "Friends of" park map identifies them with the prosaic designation "Big Rocks." They are very popular as fishing platforms when trout season opens in April.
Big Rocks |
Here's another view of "The Falls" from the recreation path.
"The Falls" dam |
I spotted some Beech-drops (Epifagus americana) growing on the dry American beech woodland slope above the creek. Beech-drops, in the Broom-rape family (Orobanchaceae), have no chlorophyll and parasitize the roots of their host beeches.
Beech-drops |
As we approached the end of our walk, we came across a meadow full of thistles - and butterflies!
Togetherness |
I love following the course of rivers, as you may have noticed from my blog. Japanese Knotweed seems to be a problem everywhere (except perhaps Japan) It's actually illegal to plant it, allow it to spread or dispose of it incorrectly in the UK.
Beautiful photos in both Parts 1 and 2, Scott. What is it about butterflies-on-a-thistle photos that are so darned appealing?
Packrat: I think the butterfly/thistle images are so popular because the butterflies cooperate with the photographer. Plus, the colors are often great, too. Thanks for your feedback.
John: I actually saw Japanese knotweed used ornamentally at Longwood Gardens, a former estate turned into one of the most popular garden attractions in the eastern United States. I guess that if it's here, it might as well be used, but it struck me that including knotweed in the garden was almost condoning its presence. Unfortunately, it's ubiquitous along our streams.
And, of course I've noticed your proclivity for following streams; I love it!
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